Thursday, March 31, 2011

Business Tips Corner: Crystalize your goals . . .

My Business Tips Corner for this week provides a simple quote for you to think about and reflect. We are already in the second quarter of the year and some of us are asking ourselves this question: Where has three months in the year gone already? How has it gone so fast and I haven’t yet accomplished any of my New Year resolutions? Well! Don’t panic and become disillusioned take advice from this quote.
Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people's criticisms carry out your plan. ~ Paul J. Meyer 

What are your thoughts after reading this quote? It would be great to share. Don't panic, simply identify the goals that you want to achieve and work steadfastly to achieve them.

Continued success in your entrepreneurial endeavour. 

Shared by Dr. Cheryl Cottle
Chief Consultant of Cottle's Professional Consulting

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Business Tips Corner: Write a hand-written note to say thank you!

For this week’s Business Tips Corner I will like to drop you a tip that can change how you do business and makes all the difference in the world.

There's a place in the world for any business that takes care of its customers after the sale.
~ Harvey MacKay

Remember that as a business owner, for continued business you must show gratitude to your clients and or customers. Many of you made new year business resolutions, but if thanking your customers were not one of them, then I suggest that you thank them right now. To get repeated customers, it is a great marketing to thank them for their business and support.  You can use old-fashioned marketing to say "thank you, I appreciate your business and I am looking forward to doing business with you again."  Write a hand-written note, personalize it with your signature and use old-fashioned mail to send it to them. They will know that you care; and you can live in the assurance that they will be repeated customers or at the very least refer you to someone else.

Great customer service ensures great business!

Created by Dr. Cheryl Cottle
Chief Executive Officer of Cottle's Professional Consulting
Creative Entrepreneur and Administrator of CPC Women in Business

Copyright © 2011 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle ● Cottle’s Professional Consulting. All rights reserved.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Business Tips Corner: You can learn from Emulation, Coaching and Mentoring

For my business tip for the week, I will like to share a quote by Brian Tracy:
No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.
One way to build your skills and knowledge in entrepreneurship that will help you to grow your business is to learn from others. Emulation is a great way of learning. However, you should acknowledge that person’s role in your learning. Another way is having a coach or a mentor to guide your understanding in any facet of entrepreneurship. 

By Cheryl Cottle

Copyright © 2011 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle ● Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Business Tips Corner: E-mail and Social Media

I recently wrote about using e-mail as a marketing strategy and I noted that it is a great and cost effective way to target your customers. We are seeing a move by businesses to integrate both the traditional and cost effective marketing tools with the use of social media. While social media is not difficult to use, companies are still in the process of learning the new technology and the implementation strategies to integrate it into their marketing plan.
Here are a few suggestions on how to utilize both approaches: E-mailing and social media. 
  • Integrate your email marketing with your social media campaigns - - Your social media campaign should include the use of FaceBook, Twitter, You Tube and Blogging
  • Design your e-mail messages so that it can be captured on mobile devices that so many customers are now using to access their emails
  • Make sure that the text are brief and avoid using large images as well as to many - - Be economical in your marketing language
  • Engage your readers - - you can either ask them to participate in an activity. You can engage them in a contest or offer them something FREE
  • Plan you marketing campaign around holidays or special days
  • Your Design Marketing Plan should be a yearly plan. Your DMP should identify the messages to be sent out and the activities you want to promote
  • Every design plan must be evaluated. Identify what worked and what didn’t. Determine whether you received a return in your investment in terms of Time and Cost?

Created by Dr. Cheryl Cottle
Chief Executive Officer of Cottle's Professional Consulting
Administrator of CPC Women in Business

Copyright © 2011 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle ● Cottle’s Professional Consulting. All rights reserved.
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