In addition, our readership are mostly women between the ages of 24 - 65 and they are interested in developing their business venture and making it a success. They are therefore interested in products and or services that will assist them in realizing their goals. Computer technology, marketing, empowerment, business finance, health and fitness, family, education and children; are some areas that is of interest to them.
Ads are available in several sizes on a monthly or quarterly basis. We offer a 15% discount for the quarterly ads. Banners rotate position, and all ads are displayed on each page at all times with the exception of our word listings, which will be found in our "Directory" page.
- Word Listing (text link): $10 monthly, $25.50 quarterly
- Extra Small (180×60): $25 monthly, $63.75 quarterly
- Small (180×90): $35 monthly, $89.25 quarterly
- Medium (180×180): $45 monthly, $114.75 quarterly
- Large (180×240): $75 monthly, $191.25 quarterly
Your ad can begin at any time (you don’t have to wait for the first of the month), and you can make payments via Cheque, Money Order or PayPal. Your banner must be a .jpg .png or .gif, and animation is fine. All ads are subject to approval. You can have your ad created for an additional cost.
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