About CPC Women in Business
CPC Women in Business is an online community of women entrepreneurs who have come together to network, educate, empower and develop themselves to create and manage their businesses more successfully in a supportive environment. It is a global community where women regardless of race, class, religion, age, culture, and geography, but bounded by their entrepreneurial spirit, passion, creativity and innovation and a need for independence and to contribute to the economy that they belong. Women regardless of the business sector and the size of business are welcome to join and participate. This community web-forum is a platform where members can collaborate with each other by sharing their experiences and expertise in business development to generate new ideas and create new knowledge or information from which each member can construct new ways of building or enhancing their individual business venture ─ each contributing to and learning from the joint information gathering system. It also relies upon the active participation of its members to make this community a powerhouse for knowledge creation and business resources for women in business.
CPC Women in Business is an online community of women entrepreneurs who have come together to network, educate, empower and develop themselves to create and manage their businesses more successfully in a supportive environment. It is a global community where women regardless of race, class, religion, age, culture, and geography, but bounded by their entrepreneurial spirit, passion, creativity and innovation and a need for independence and to contribute to the economy that they belong. Women regardless of the business sector and the size of business are welcome to join and participate. This community web-forum is a platform where members can collaborate with each other by sharing their experiences and expertise in business development to generate new ideas and create new knowledge or information from which each member can construct new ways of building or enhancing their individual business venture ─ each contributing to and learning from the joint information gathering system. It also relies upon the active participation of its members to make this community a powerhouse for knowledge creation and business resources for women in business.
CPC Women in Business mission is to meet the needs of the members, by utilizing a holistic approach to business development, with education as the core of our business developmental process. Through this approach, we hope to empower, motivate, and better prepare women to grow their businesses into the success that they envisioned. Our mission is to ultimately facilitate growth by providing a supportive environment that is engaging and socially friendly where practical assistance is openly offered by women ─ to ─ women to empower and promote their business.
We also provide opportunity to motivate and inspire each other on a daily basis due to our incentive programs. In addition, efforts are made to represent every member that is a part of our space, and recognize that every one can contribute to the development of the space and to each other and themselves. CPCWIB is a user-friendly forum designed with practical spaces for asking questions and receiving assistance.
CPC Women in Business is specifically designed for women in all fields of business, in Canada, United States of America, Canada, the Caribbean, Latin America, and other regions of the world. Our members include consultants, virtual assistants, educators, coaches, fashion and accessories designers, hair stylist, online business owners, shop owners, and many more businesses.
To read more go to: http://cpcwib.ning.com/notes/index/show?noteKey=WHAT_IS_CPCWOMEN_IN_BUSINESS_FORUM%3F
To join CPC Women in Business please go to: http://www.cpcwib.ning.com/