I am an avid fan of Facebook and I find it to be great. It is user-friendly and it affords you with great opportunities. You can form networks by joining others through their circle of friends, or you can also request people to join your circle of friends. This connection enables you to connect with many people. It is a multi-layered approach to building your network. In addition, there are many groups of which you can also become a member. If you are innovative and like to coordinate, you can also create a social networking group to bring people with similar interest together. On Facebook, I manage a group for women entrepreneurs call "Women in Business". It is an interesting group comprising of both women and men from our global village. It provides opportunities for networking, advertising and marketing your product or services. It is also a great platform for learning and sharing.
Here is a video on how social networking works and its implications.
Please go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a_KF7TYKVc