Thursday, December 23, 2010

Business Tips Corner - - Effective Social Media Strategies

By Dr. Cheryl Cottle
Although I have years of experience using online forums for teaching and learning, I have been using social media a little over two years, and during that time I have learnt a lot. One thing that I particularly learnt is that social media is not only for the “college kid” as so many of my friends would say when I asked if they were using social media for their business. A client of mine, who was seeking business development when asked if she was using any social media to market her product, says “No, I just can’t see how I can ask my friends to buy my product. I am on Facebook and LinkenIn, but I am just not able to connect with my friends, so I was thinking of disconnecting from them.” It was obvious that she does not understand the social and business effect of social media ― that while it is a space to meet and connect with your friends and family, it is also an environment to network, connect with like-minded people and build your business and personal portfolio to further the advancement of your career or business sales and profitability.

These are some strategies that I have used and tested for their effectiveness over the past two years, and which I give as advice to my clients.

Know your Network: Be cognizant of what is happening in your network. Read what others are saying. Identify the people who are a part of your network and get to know their needs. Like my client above, she might call it unethical to listen to what others are saying, but it is only by reading the “statuses” of others or the “comments” that they make, will you be able to know your “friends” better and therefore be better prepared to meet their needs and your goals.

Identify Your Niche Market: Like any business plan one important aspect to take your business from the drawing board to reality is to conduct a market research ― you must identify your niche market. Are your “friends” your niche market? If they are not, begin to thin out your list. Don’t collect friends just for the numbers.

Active Participation: Active participation and relevant content are two key components in establishing your self on social media. The information that you provide must be in keeping with what your audience appreciates. Ask any one who has been using social media for a while, they will say content and participation is the key to getting others to know you and your brand. It is also important to stay consistent with the information that you provide to build an authentic online reputation.

Establish Authenticity: This is a real issue ― although the human-social interaction taking place is viral and you can easily hide behind your computer screen and keyboard, people are able to pick up on who you are and what you represent. It is important that the information that you present is in keeping with your audience’s needs. And it is also important to think about the way in which you deliver it ― don’t make it all business. Be sensitive to their needs also. Establish a friendly tone. Make it easy for your audience to feel comfortable to communicate with you. By establishing authenticity what results is trustworthiness ― the people with whom you have built a network with, would begin to respect and value what you are saying.

Be Socially Responsive: It is important to be socially responsive. It is very important to acknowledge others. When an individual makes a comment to something that you posted, make sure that you respond to them in a timely manner. Remember at all times be courteous. It is important to reciprocate by responding also to the information that they share. It is also great to connect with people on their birthdays and anniversaries. People love to receive a greeting on their special day. Some people also share when they have a loved one in the hospital or when he or she dies. Some also share information about their children, while some share about their pets. Be alert to the people’s needs around you.

I hope that these tips will enable you to make better use of social media to promote your business or your career.

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is an Educator, Instructional Technologist and System Analyst. She is the founder and Chief Consultant of Cottle's Professional Consulting that specializes in the areas of education, organizational development, professional development and small business development. Dr. Cottle also manages CPC Women in Business; an online forum for women entrepreneurs globally.

Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle ● Cottle’s Professional Consulting.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Season's Greetings!

Dear Readers,

Thanks for dropping by and reading my blog posts from time-to-time. I hope that they were interesting and informative. I will like to extend a heartfelt greetings to you, as we come to the end of the year to celebrate Christmas. Happy Holidays and as you welcome the New Years, may your life be filled with Love, Health and Prosperity.
Hoping to see you in the New Year. Yes, I will be taking a break to spend some quality time with my family.
Enjoy the holidays and stay save.

God's Blessings to you!

Dr. Cheryl Cottle

Take a pause and listen to the beautiful voice of Whitney Houston as she sings The First Noel!

Friday, December 17, 2010

An Overview of the Article: 5 Advanced Social Media Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses


As a small business owner, you are often faced with the question of should I integrate a social media marketing strategy into my business plan? Well the answer is yes. Wait no longer. This article provides some useful tips on how you can introduce a cost effective marketing strategy that will not only enable you to build your community of customers, but also increase your sales.

The author recommends that as a beginner to social media marketing, companies’ particularly smaller ones should adopt these practices.

  • Introduce multimedia, both videos and photographs to represent your products, social events, and instructional videos. A picture tells a great deal and your customers stand a greater chance to know you better.
  • Integrate your offline and your on-line advertising. It helps your conversion process and builds your community of potential customers.
  • Adapt your message for each site you have. Don’t repeat the same message across the board. Customization of messages is critical to catching customers’ attention and retaining interest.
  • Make sure that you are searchable and visible to your customers. Include your sites in local business directory and also add you online presence to “Google map”.
  • Introduce contest and provide discount to meet your customers’ needs and interest. 
To read more visit the source of the article.

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is an Educator, Instructional Technologist and System Analyst. She is the founder and Chief Consultant of  Cottle's Professional Consulting that specializes in the areas of education, organizational development, professioanl developmen and small business development.  She also manages CPC Women in Business; and online forum for women entrepreneurs globally.

Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle ● Cottle’s Professional Consulting.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

An Overview of the Article: How to Use Social Media to Retain Customers

This article provides some useful tips on how to turn your new and existing customers into active customers.
The author states that: there are many times or reasons that a small business will receive an influx of new customers — such as around the holidays for retail stores, during a new product or service launch or after a local advertising campaign. While new customers are great, returning customers are even better. Social media offers a number of opportunities to turn your new and existing customers into repeat customers and fans.
The author also suggests that you can turn new customers into return customers who will in turn attract more new customers for you. To achieve this, the article suggests that you should:

  1. Direct new customers to your social media sites by inviting them to become your friend, become a fan of your fan page or join your group or follow you on your blog or on Twitter.
  2. Offer opportunities and incentives to keep them interested — engage them with new content, great information and resources and exclusive offerings.
  3. Promote your business — your services or products. Offer exclusive deals.
  4. Build a community around what you do.

 To read more:

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is an Educator, Instructional Technologist and System Analyst. She is the Founder of Cottle’s Professional Consulting. Dr. Cottle is also the creator of two online forums  Women in Business on Facebook and CPC Women in Business.

Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle ● Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Business Tips Corner - - 4 Simple Tools To Brand Your Company

By Dr. Cheryl Cottle

Be sure to drop in every week on a Thursday to share my useful tips that would help you in your journey to successful entrepreneurship!

My business tip for this week is about branding. While large companies use branding to market and promote what they do, small business owners can do the same. How you establish yourself in the marketplace is very important to your success? A professional branding image is sure to help you attract your potential customers and eventually translating them into customers. Here are some simple tools that you can integrate into your company to ensure that you get the respect that your deserve.
  1.  Design a business card that provides information about your business. It is also recommended that you include a contact telephone number, an e-mail address and your website
  2.  Design and create stationery for your business. Your writing paper and your envelope should include your company’s logo, name, and address
  3. You should also have a dedicated telephone number for all your business contact
  4.  Make sure that if you are not available to receive your calls that you have a message that is warm and friendly inviting them to leave a message. Your objective is to retain all prospective customers.  Develop a great message: thanking them for their interest and promise to respond in a timely manner
  5. Get an e-mail address that is professional. Get one that reflects your business

These are some very cost effective ways that you can begin integrating into your branding strategy to ensure that you develop the level of professionalism and confidence so needed in today’s marketplace for any business.

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is the Chief Consultant of Cottle's Professional Consulting. Cottle's Professional Consulting provides service in education, organizational development, professional development, and business development. Dr. Cottle is also a coach and mentor in areas of professional and business development. Interested in a service, please contact her at:

Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle and Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Business Tips Corner - - For People now Starting out into Entrepreneurship

Business Tips Corner!
by: Dr. Cheryl Cottle

Be sure to drop in every week on a Thursday to share my useful tips that would help you in your journey to successful entrepreneurship!

This week's tips are specifically designed for people who are now starting out into entrepreneurship.

Love what you do and the wealth will follow: Marsha Sinetar the author of Do What you love: The Money will Follow- - Discovering Your Right Livelihood suggests that you should work at what you love and you will find the satisfaction that you have been looking for. Oprah Winfrey's also says, " . . . if you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come." Many successful people believe in this philosophy. Some business owners have also vouched that having a passion for what you do, makes it much easier to go through the challenges you face as an entrepreneur. It is what helps to sustain your business.

  • Get the support of others: Many entrepreneurs, particularly women tend to start a business alone because it often comes out of a great need. It can either be as a result of being divorced or the death of our spouse and we have to find alternative ways to support ourselves and children. It is wise that you get the support of someone to assist you in the event that difficult situations arise. If you are unable to get a friend or a family to support you, then it is wise to get a mentor. Join groups where you can also get the support. With the technology that are available, you can join online forums and others social media forum to network and share common experiences.
  • Create a Business Plan: A business plan will provide you with the road map that you need when thinking of getting into a business venture. It will provide you with valuable information regarding how much money you will need to start up your business, identify who are your target audience, the best place to purchase your equipments, furniture and other inventories, who are your competitors, and how best to market and promote you product or services, and such business logistics.
  • Education: It is important also that you increase you knowledge in the area of business that you want to get into. You must develop your expert knowledge of the industry you are in, as well as the product and or services that are the focus of your company. Engage in research, read books and attend workshops and seminars to stay current in your market. You would also want to know all about taxes as it applies to your business as well as business registration, and other operational logistics.
  • Access Professional Support: Professional support is always touted as being to expensive as a result many business owner delay this process. Remember that you do not have all the skills needed to successfully run your business. You most likely would have the entrepreneurial skills, but not necessarily have all the managerial skills needed to manage your business. A business requires both entrepreneurial and management skills to be sustainable. It is a holistic approach to successful entrepreneurship. Therefore if you need an accountant to manage your books, or a website designer to build your website or blog, outsource their help.
  • Professionalism: One of my advices that I gives to clients now starting out into the area of entrepreneurship is that they should always strive to be professional, and it does not only mean dressing great. Establishing a professional image from the beginning goes a long way in achieving business success. As a new business owner you should establish a business telephone number so that customers can easily contact you. A website is another feature that one should also consider having. In addition to online presence, an e-mail is equally important. These together with business cards, stationary and great customers’ service are a great start to establishing professionalism.

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is the Chief Consultant of Cottle's Professional Consulting. Cottle's Professional Consulting has a multidisciplinary portfolio including education, organizational development, professional development, and business development. Dr. Cottle is also a coach and mentor in areas of professional and business development. Interested in a service, please contact her at:

©Copyright 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle and Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Business Tips Corner - - How to Make Your Home Office Child-Friendly

Business Tips Corner!
By: Dr. Cheryl Cottle

Be sure to drop in every week on a Thursday to view tips that would help you in your journey to successful entrepreneurship.

This week's tips are about how to make your home-based office child-friendly! 

With my own grand-son at the stage where he wants to get into everything, my daughter was realizing how important it is to go-child-friendly when you work from home to secure your child’s safety. These are some of the things that we felt are needed in the office.

  • Ensure that your file and computer information is safe. Your toddler is at the stage where he or she is curious about everything. He or she can accidently touch your keyboard and make your files disappear. This would take some time to fix and may also cost you if you are unable to fix the problem yourself.
  • Keep all your office supplies securely stored away from the reach of your child or children. Your toddler is at the stage where they put everything in their mouth.
  • Make sure that all cupboards or storage systems are sturdy to prevent them from falling. Make sure that your cupboards doors are closed at all times.
  • Last but not least, make sure all electrical outlets are secured. Stoppers can be used to plug electrical outlets, also make sure that computer and printer cords are secured and not left hanging.
  • If possible you can have your child outside your work space, it would certainly prevent any mishaps.

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is the Chief Consultant of Cottle's Professional Consulting. Cottle's Professional Consulting has a multidisciplinary portfolio including education, organizational development, professional development, and business development. Dr. Cottle is also a coach and mentor in areas of professional and business development. Interested in a service, please contact her at:

© Copyright 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle and Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Business Tips Corner - - Things to consider when you are choosing a location for your business.

Business Tips Corner!
By: Dr. Cheryl Cottle

Be sure to drop in every week on a Thursday to view tips that would help you in your journey to successful entrepreneurship.

This week's tips are: 
  1. First find out whether your type of business is permitted in the area according to zoning laws.
  2. Make sure that your business location is accessible to allow your customers and employees easy access.
  3. Consider the surrounding community. Can the community support your business? Does it attract your niche market?
  4. Carefully choose whether you would have a ground floor location for your business or a second floor. Customers generally find it easiest to just walk in off the street. If you choose a second floor, make sure that you advertise to attract customers to your store.
  5. Similarly if you choose to have a location in a Mall, make sure that the Mall also has great access and secure parking facilities.
  6. Decide whether you want to be in an area where you don’t have any direct competitors, or decide whether they will provide a great business climate.

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is the Chief Consultant of Cottle's Professional Consulting. Cottle's Professional Consulting has a multidisciplinary portfolio including education, organizational development, professional development, and business development. Dr. Cottle is also a coach and mentor in areas of professional and business development. Interested in a service, please contact her at:

© Copyright 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle and Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Should Small Businesses with an exclusive product go E-commerce?

By Dr. Cheryl Cottle
Many small businesses that deal exclusively with unique, one-of-a-kind, limited editions are now thinking about whether they should expand their exclusive business by going online. Many wonder if this approach to selling will reduce the value of their product in the eyes of their clients. The answer is no. What going online means is that you are now taking your business to a wider target audience. It means that you are now opening up what you do to others who will get a chance to see what you do, appreciate what you do and buy what you produce. It will also mean that you now have the opportunity to leverage the value of what you do. You now have a larger market; your would-be customers are no longer local but also international.

Going e-commerce does not mean that you are closing your “brick and mortar” store or your home-based store. It means that it is an extension of your business or an enlargement of your marketing plan. E-commerce simply means using a website with a shopping cart to enable your customers the ability to buy online.

 E-commerce provides you with the opportunity to increase your market and take it before an international audience. It creates the opportunity to move from your mini local market to a macro market. However with this type of marketing, there are additional changes that will incur on your production, manufacturing, marketing, customer service, machinery and equipments, computer technology, shipping and handling and other key operational processes within your company. In some cases it will require an additional workforce to manage each operation as you expand.

 Things that you will need in going e-commerce: 
  • An e-commerce website will have to be designed and constructed. You can self-design and construct your own website if you have the skills to do so
  • Access an outside web designer to translate what you have in mind with sound design techniques to come up with an e-commerce site that meets your needs.
  • Register a domain name
  • Decide which web hosting company to host your website
  • Think about the design features for your website
  • Determine which products you will display
  • Generate your product description
  • Product Photography
  • Select a shopping cart
  • Establish a merchant account
  • Establish policies (including, purchasing, customer services, shipping and handling, etc.)
  • Shipping and handling - - which shipping provider will you use to facilitate your customer’s order
  • Establish a customer service unit to deal with customer-related issues.

If you require an ecommerce website we can build it for you. For more information on how we can help contact us at: ccottle@drcottle

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is the Chief Consultant of Cottle's Professional Consulting. Cottle's Professional Consulting has a multidisciplinary portfolio including education, organizational development, professional development, and business development. Dr. Cottle is also a coach and mentor in areas of professional and business development. Interested in a service, please contact her at:

©Copyright 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle and Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Friday, October 22, 2010

Résumé Writing and the Job Search Process!

By Dr. Cheryl Cottle
With the recessionary period, applying for a new job is none the easier. There are a lot of people also vying for that job that you have been looking for, so the competition is great. How to stand out above the competition and get the job is what you need to know. You can know how to, if you access an expert in job search, résumé and cover letter preparation, and job interviewing skills. You might have the educational background, skills and knowledge sets, work related experience, and wondering why I am not getting the job? Well, it just could be the approach that you are using.

Here are a few tips that will help you to move above the rest and get that perfect job.

Identify your skills and experiences:
You must identify the skills and experiences that you have as they relate to the job that you are applying. The question that you have to ask, is do I have these skills? Do I have the knowledge to perform the job? Having identified the skills and knowledge that you have within the context of the job, include them when responding to the job in your résumé and cover letter. What skills should I take into consideration? Identify your skills and experiences within the context of your past work experience and the position that you held, education and training, volunteering, and simply life’s skills.

Formatting your résumé:
This is critical to the organization and development of your résumé. You want your document to look professional and as if you have spent some time to details. You also want to show that you are detailed-oriented and organized. These are attributes that your employers are also looking for and they reflect in the way that you organize your résumé and write your cover letter.

Adhere to proper spelling and grammatical practices:
Once you have written your résumé and included all the necessary details, make sure that you review it for spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. Employees also evaluate your writing and form judgments about what type of worker you will be, by looking at the way that you pay attention to details, and it is often a critical attribute that they stress on their job postings. Get someone else to review your résumé and cover letter. Sometimes a second opinion helps. Note that a well written résumé gets notice for the very least. It is the same ones that gets called on the interview and the one to get the job.

Personalized your cover letter:
Personalizing your cover letter for each job that you are applying for is sometimes difficult to do. You have spent several hours coming up with the perfect résumé to meet the job requirements, and now you just have to complete the cover letter; but you are tired, and you simply just want to the application process to be over and done with. Similar to your résumé, you also have to pay great attention to details. A well written cover letter reflects your level of professionalism also. Always address your cover letter to the correct person within the company or corporation. The job position that you are applying for should also be indicated on your cover letter. It is also important to indicate where you saw the job advertised, and how your skills, educational background, and experience fits the job that they advertised. Always include a telephone number or an e-mail address so that they will be able to contact you should your letter of application is short listed.

The interviewing process:
If you are here in your job search process, you know that you are getting somewhere with finding a job. But this is also a very important stage that you must pay attention to. How you dress is very important in getting a job. This is your initial presentation. How you look or your image plays an important role in hiring. Make sure you wear clean and well coordinated colors, a beautiful pair of shoes, and a handbag, not to fashionable; if you are a female. Males, you too must pay special attention to how your look and yes smell. It is also important to pay attention to grooming; your hair must also be combed as well as your nails should be cut and cleaned. In addition, it is also important to be on time for your interview and you should also be prepared to answer any questions. In addition, it is great to have a number of questions that you can ask the panel especially when they ask you “Do you have any questions you will like to ask us?”

The Day of the Interview:
On the day of the interview, make sure that you are there on time. Some times it is best to go on a trial run if you are informed of the interview days before. This will allow you to identify road blocks that you may encounter and help you to circumvent them on the day of. Learn as much as you can about the company and particularly, how the position you are applying impacts the company’s functionality. Generally the interview questions are related to what you have written on your résumé. Remember you are talking about you, and the experiences that you have and how they apply to the position. Be confident when you respond. Remember always to have the names and contacts of your references. Another question that is commonly asked is, what you want from the job? And that generally translates into the question “Where do you see yourself in the next five years? Another generic question is; how will you be of benefit to the company? It is advisable that before going on an interview you must research the company. Learn about their company goals, mandate and culture. You also need to know if you will want to work with them. Just as they have to like you, you also have to like them. It is a two way relationship.

In summary: I hope that you find these tips useful to your job search, résumé preparation, and interview process. Good luck in your job search.

Interested in having us prepare a résumé and cover letter as well as prepare you for the job position that you are looking for. Call us! You can also have a telephone conferencing session with Dr. Cottle. For more information contact us at:

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is the Chief Consultant of Cottle's Professional Consulting. Cottle's Professional Consulting has a multidisciplinary portfolio including education, organizational development, professional development, and business development. Dr. Cottle is also a coach and mentor in areas of professional and business development. Interested in a service, please contact her at:

©Copyright 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle and Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Do you need a website? How to best leverage technology to benefit in the marketplace?

By Dr. Cheryl Cottle
As an entrepreneur, both male or female, gone are the days when you only needed a hand shake to do business. In today’s global economies with the advent of computer technology and the internet, you must change, or you will be forever left behind; and this is not a cliché: It is a fact. Businesses regardless of size must get onto the bandwagon of technology. You no longer need a mobile phone and a fax machine; you also need a website, e-mail, access to the internet over all, and high speed internet connection. Technology is here and it is here to stay. With the advent of computer based technology business has become more competitive, but it has also provided people with greater opportunity to leverage what they can do ― their services and products. If you are also into selling your product and you will like to take your product and services to a wider market, then you will have to think about integrating e-commerce into your business strategy. This allows your customers, regardless of their geographical location, time, and currency exchange, to access your product and make a purchase.

What technology and the internet have done for the entrepreneur: 

  • It has opened up connection and removed the barriers between individuals in different countries and continents who want to trade with each other.
  • You can easily conduct a detailed search of a company so that you know with whom you are doing business.
  • If you are looking for that special product or services, a search of the internet can put you in direct contact with the best in the market.
  • The internet and computer based technologies enables you to do business twenty four hours a day from where ever you are in the world and with whom you want to.
  • It also enables you to make contact with people with whom you might never have met.
  • The internet also puts you in direct contact with your supplier, or buyer thus reducing cost and time as in traditional business transaction.
  • Essentially the internet removes national boundaries thus opening a global gate way to commerce.

Interested in having a website for your business because you will like to extend your market globally, and will need visibility, Cottle’s Professional Consulting can do it for you. We will work with you to come up with the best design! Give us a shout out at:

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is the Chief Consultant of Cottle's Professional Consulting. Cottle's Professional Consulting has a multidisciplinary portfolio including education, organizational development, professional development, and business development. Dr. Cottle is also a coach and mentor in areas of professional and business development. Interested in a service, please contact her at:

©Copyright 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle and Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Monday, September 6, 2010

Book Review: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

By Dr. Cheryl Cottle

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff is authored by Dr. Richard Carlson. I first heard about this book in 2002 when a friend brought it to my attention, but it was not until 2009 that I was reintroduced to Carlson’s; Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, by my sister. We were talking about great inspirational books; and she asked if I had read “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff”. I told her of my first introduction to the title of book, but admitted that I had not yet read it. She went to her library and retrieved it, and handed it to me saying, “It is a great book. It makes you see life in a simple way and provide ways on how to get the best out of life.”

I remember when I was growing up, my parents were always fostering in us how to deal with unpleasant experiences; or rather what we perceived as unpleasant. I understood that the message sent by my parents were, “don’t sweat the small stuff” though, then it translated, don’t make little things in life affect you negatively. There have been instances in my childhood where I saw people who sweated the “small stuff”, but it does not have much rewards. Early on in life, I learnt that “sweating the small stuff” is a waste of your valuable time, emotions, and well-being. Only then it was referred to as, “don’t worry about the little things”, or “don’t make little things bother you”, words to that effect.

That evening, I read Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. I found it very easy to read. The language is simple, and the scenarios that he uses are situated in real life experiences. You can identify with what he is saying, but your perception is tweaked. It makes you reflect on your own experiences, and help you to rethink how meaningful life can be, if you don't “sweat the small stuff.”

In reading the book, I suggest that you read the introduction of the book first. It sets the stage for what is to come. Once you have read the introduction, you can open any of the pages to the many essays that he has written, and begin your reading. You can then move forward, back ward, jumping anywhere in the book until you have read the whole book. Each essay is an example of life’s lessons on how we can live our life with greater meaning, stress free, and happy; or at least happier.

For women readers in particular, I will like to recommend Meditations for Women Who Do too Much. The author is Anne Wilson Schaef. It is a book about quotes punctuated with the author’s perception of it and how it relates to how women live their lives. The book is also an easy read, and you can start reading from any point in the book, although it is set chronically, starting with meditations for each month beginning in January through December.

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is the Chief Consultant of Cottle's Professional Consulting. Cottle's Professional Consulting has a multidisciplinary portfolio including education, organizational development, professional development, and business development. Some of her core focus are teacher training and development, curriculum development, computer technology training and the implementation of computers in the workplace. Dr. Cottle is also a coach and mentor in areas of professional and business development. You can find her at her woman's online forum for business women CPC Women in Business.  To learn more about Dr. Cottle's consultancy and to contact her go to:

Monday, August 23, 2010

Book Club

Cottle’s Professional Consulting invites you to join our Book Club.

Join us and participate in this Comfortable, Relaxing, and Sharing Environment. Come and network! Share your perceptions and understanding of the book and gain new insights and ideas on how to empower yourself to achieve your personal and business goals! See your Life Change!

The selected book for this month’s reading is - - The Richest Man in Babylon authored by George S. Clason. To read my review of the book check out the blog - - Book Review !

It is a very inspirational book, with great insights on creating the life that you want.

Let’s Share! Let’s gain new insights on how to live our lives with Purpose, Authenticity, and Abundance!

If you are interested in being part of this group with a goal to grow; emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially, join us! Send me a message at:, or message me in my inbox on Facebook.

The date and location of the first meeting in Toronto will be announced. Members of the Book Club are also invited to share there feedback in the Comment Section of this blog post.

If you are interested in being a part of the Book Club, contact me at: ccottle@drcottle .com,  leave a comment, or message me on Facebook.

Book Review: The Richest Man in Babylon

Book Review - - The Richest Man in Babylon
By: Dr. Cheryl Cottle

The Richest Man in Babylon written by George S. Clason is one of the books that I read recently. I found a copy of it in my daughter’s library in the home she shares with her husband and two sons, and I was moved to read it and I am glad that I did. It has been very enlightening and inspirational as well, and I will like to share it with you.

It is a book primarily about how to build financial security through “financial understanding.” If you don’t understand how to achieve financial wealth, it is difficult to build financial success. The author talks about building prosperity and suggests that the prosperity of a society is dependent upon the “personal financial prosperity of each of us as individuals.” These are his opening words of his book.

The book deals with the personal success of each person and the author suggests that:

Success means accomplishments as the result of our own efforts and abilities. Proper preparation is the key to success. Our acts can be no wiser than our thoughts. Our thinking can be no wiser than our understanding.
The author provides a way to build your financial dreams by recommending that you should safe one third of your earnings each time and after a while, you would gain the nest egg that you so which to achieve. He also suggests that once you have acquired your wealth, you should also understand how to invest your money wisely, because a bad investment will result in the loss of it.

The book is highly inspirational as it also provides insights on how to be empowered. The author's useful tips on the power of discernment, negotiation, respect and valuing others, asking for what you want, and taking action, are some of the values and attitudes that he suggests that we adopt, if we are too gain the wealth that we need to live life purposefully and with abundance. These are some of the things that I have adopted after reading The Richest Man in Babylon,and integrated into my approach to life and living; and they have proved to be effective.

The book is an easy read. The language is simple with beautiful imagery. It is written in a story-like form. Once you start to read it, it is not easy to put down! The book provides a way of moving from dreaming of wealth to the acquisition of wealth. How much money have you earned in the years since you have been working and still don’t have much to show? Have you been dreaming of wealth but still remains cash poor? Read, The Richest Man in Babylon, and your dreams may just become a reality. If you have been experiencing the lack of a “fat purse” and will like to change your circumstances, take a read. The book provides some “honorable ways” on how to build the wealth that you want.

Notes: Since it first publication in 1988, there has been over 2 million books in print to today.

Clason, George S. (1988) The Richest Man in Babylon, New American Library, Penguin Book USA Inc., New York.

I also added another book that I also read that I think is similar to The Richest Man in Babylon and can be of great help in enlightening you. It is The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandido.

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is an educator and the Chief Consultant of Cottle's Professional Consulting. Cottle's Professional Consulting has a multidisciplinary portfolio. She conducts training in curriculum teaching and learning, as well as computer technology and the implementation of computers in the workplace. In addition, Dr. Cottle is also a coach and mentor in areas of professional and business development. She also manages a woman's online forum for business women globally at CPC Women in Business  To learn more about her consultancy and to contact her go to:

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Blogging as a branding marketing technique

By: Dr. Cheryl Cottle
Branding today is not only a marketing strategy conducted by large corporations but other types of organizations are also using branding as a technique to promote their goals and mandates. Politics, education, training and development, health and fitness, family planning, community-based organizations, and causes are also using branding to promote what they do. Home-based businesses, woman-owned, as well as small and medium size businesses are also using branding to market their products or services to reach a wider target audience; extending from being a local market to a global market.

One strategy that they are using in common is “blogging”. When thinking about implementing “blogging” as a new marketing strategy, organizations and businesses alike should think about the analysis, design, development and implementation phases of their design plan to integrate “blogging” into their marketing strategy. It is also important to consider evaluating the effectiveness of the branding strategy in terms of; is it meeting your marketing goals: does it translates into increased clientele and increased production.

Attached is an interesting article that provides ways to think about when you plan to incorporate blogging into your marketing plan.

To learn more:

Need a BLOG for your business! We can design one for you!Contact us at:

About the Author:
Dr. Cheryl Cottle is an Educator, Instructional Technologist, and System Analysis. She is the Founder of Cottle’s Professional Consulting a multidisciplinary consultancy. Her business website is at: Dr. Cottle is also the creator of two online forum; Women in Business on Facebook and CPC Women in Business at

Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle ● Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Finding Balance in Life

Finding Balance in Life
Author: Edward Aldama
By Dr. Cheryl Cottle
In this article the author suggests that for most people, finding balance in life enables one to have happier relationships and a higher self concept. He states that, as human beings we are blessed with the capacity to appreciate a wide variety of experiences. He also goes on to explain with balance in your life you are better able to explore the world, learn new things, be creative, develop special relationships, and even contribute to changing the world into a better place. Finding balance gives you bountiful options, yet so many people are not able to achieve it. It seems to be a fleeting goal.

The author therefore suggests that to achieve balance we can examine our lives from seven perspectives; special relationships, social interactions, leisure activities, health and fitness, career, finances, and spiritual development. The author suggest that you look at each aspect of your life and identify the things that you are doing within each sphere that brings you happiness and also identify the things that you should be doing. This exercise should be done for each aspect of your life.

After completing this exercise, he recommends that you should review your lists and think about it in terms of your level of satisfaction: (1) are there areas you may be neglecting, or spending too much time in? (2) are there some activities you would like to add to your life, or stop doing?

He also suggests that after completing this exercise you will have a new perspective on how to channel your energy on achieving the things that will bring you satisfaction in your life. He further suggests that you work on one change at a time, gradually working on the others until you find maximum balance in your life.

To read more:

About the Author:
Dr. Cheryl Cottle is an Educator, Instructional Technologist, and System Analysis. She is the Founder of Cottle’s Professional Consulting a multidisciplinary consultancy. Her business website is at: Dr. Cottle is also the creator of two online forum; Women in Business on Facebook and CPC Women in Business at:
Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle ● Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Finding Balance and Meaning in a Nine-to-Five World

By. Dr. Cheryl Cottle (Educator and Business Coach)

Finding Balance and Meaning in a Nine-to-Five World by Mike Cook

This article looks at ways that you can find balance and meaning in your life. The author poses several questions to think about within the context of how to find a balance between your work life and your personal life. In today’s hectic world, finding a balance seems to be the solution that so many of us are striving for; to gain happiness, contentment, enjoyment and healthier living is a destination we will all like o get to. He suggests that everyone seeking to find happiness and a sense of balance in their lives should think about these questions.

  • How do you want to live your life, in and out of work?
  • What are your conditions of satisfaction?
  • What are your material aspirations?
  • How much do you need to earn to meet them?
  • How much are your time and skills worth?
  • What kinds of people do you prefer to work with?
  • What kind of work really turns you on, makes you sing?

He also makes recommendations that you can do to find a balance; and it is not an elusive goal, it is attainable. He therefore recommends that you should:
  • Follow your calling
  • Work in a state of awareness
  • Embrace interdependency and interconnection
  • Take responsibility
  • Stay young
  • Express gratitude
  • Accept circumstances without judgment
  • Have integrity

To learn more on how each of his recommendations is attainable, go to:

Dr. Cheryl Cottle is the Founder of Cottle’s Professional Consulting a multidisciplinary consultancy at: She is also the coordinator of CPC Women in Business at: as well as “Women in Business” on Facebook.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

50 Social Sites That Every Business Needs a Presence on

Web sites to help your company network, advertise recruit and more.
By Inside CRM Editors

This article provides useful marketing tips for business owners or anyone with an entrepreneurial venture. The article recommends several social media sites that you can use to network, market, and advertise your products or services.

If your business limits its online presence to advertising banners and blogging, it's missing out. The Internet provides powerful networking opportunities that allow users to effectively target their audience by logging on to social sites like LinkedIn, Digg and more. Take advantage of these tools by asserting your company's presence online and reaching more potential customers, business partners and employees.

The author recommends the following types of social sites that you can use to your advantage to share your website and connect with potential clients and business partners.
• Social Media/Social Book marking Sites
• Professional Networking Sites
• Niche Social-Media Sites
• General Social-Media Sites
• Job Sites

To learn more go to:

About the Author:
Dr. Cheryl Cottle is an Educator, Instructional Technologist, and System Analysis. She is the Founder of Cottle’s Professional Consulting a multidisciplinary consultancy. Her business website is at: Dr. Cottle is also the creator of two online forum; Women in Business on Facebook and CPC Women in Business at

Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle ● Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Overview of the article: Why Your Small Business Needs a Website in 2010

by Lisa Barone, 12/21/2009
Overview by Dr. Cheryl Cottle

The article looks at the number of small businesses that have not yet built a website as a marketing tool for their business. The author states that 46 percent of all small businesses do not have a website, but suggests that they should all have a website because gone are the days when your customers or target audience uses a telephone directory to locate businesses to meet their needs. The author also talks about the widespread use of social media by small business owner; suggesting that it is a progressive move, but states that there are disadvantage on this dependency.

She therefore states that:

"It’s possible to create a Web presence without a full site thanks to things like Yelp and other social media outlets. However, you don’t control any of those. You have no say on how they’ll let you connect with customers. You can’t create an email list on Twitter. By relying on other sites to house your conversations you’re severely handicapping yourself." (Barone, L., 2009)

The author therefore suggests that small business owners would see more returns on their investment if they get a website to showcase their product or services. She recommends a simple website and not an e-commerce site. An e-commerce site is a much larger investment and requires greater management. An e-commerce site unlike a website adds much more to your business marketing expansion plan. A website does not have to be very large; a five page website is a great start for a small business.

She also recommends that in creating your website you don’t have to compete with large organizations and businesses by building a “huge web site over flowing with content” but a much smaller space that is more intimate; a place that customers can get to know you and what you do. She therefore recommends that five pages is a good start; and suggests that it should include your home page, product or services page, an about us page, and a contact page is a great first start.

The author further suggests that a “real” website will enable you to gain a great deal of advantage in the marketplace and points out what happens to those who rely solely on “free” social marketing space to market their product, services and or brand. The author states that without a “real” web site, you lose your ability to:

• Differentiate yourself
• Create authority and street credibility with customers and within your industry
• Spread ideas
• Get social
• Take advantage of universal search’s ranking power
• Benefit from the engines bias to show local results
• Share your company’s story and information
• House your own community
• Save costs by answering frequently asked questions
• Target your specific neighborhood: by defined by zip code, points of interest, ideas, etc)
• Build an email list.

You must be asking, what is a “real” website? “I have a “real” website on Facebook, and I also have a beautiful blog,” is your thought right now. While they serve as a great platform for promoting your product or services, they are not “real” websites. A business needs a professional website to reflect more professionalism and to gain greater respect and trustworthiness.

I hope that after reading this blog and the article that you will rethink your marketing strategy for your business and get a website built. If you have the skills and the expertise start now, or get a website expert to build one for you. If you want Cottle's Professional Consulting to build one for you, contact us at:

About the Author:
Dr. Cheryl Cottle is an Educator, Instructional Technologist, and System Analysis. She is the Founder of Cottle’s Professional Consulting a multidisciplinary consultancy. Her business website is at: Dr. Cottle is also the creator of two online forum; Women in Business on Facebook and CPC Women in Business at

Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle ● Cottle’s Professional Consulting

To read the article:

An Overview of the article: 12 Benefits of Having a Website!

12 Benefits of Having a Website
This overview is written by: Dr. Cheryl Cottle

This article examines the benefits to small businesses having a website as part of their marketing strategy. The author states that having a website is far cheaper and much more flexible than using print-based advertising. The author also suggests that a website is much cheaper to have, and it has greater accessibility and visibility with greater longevity and maturity, while not discounting other forms of marketing methods. He also states that a website also facilitates a business to bridge “geographical barriers” making contact with other markets globally.

A website is not only used as a “medium for representation of your company,” to inform your target audience of what you do and who you are, but you can also use your website to advertise for other business. Selling advertising space to other businesses is a great opportunity to create another income stream and provide an opportunity to have a residual income. This however requires careful planning making sure that you do not advertise for companies that are your direct competitors. The author suggests that the best approach to use is, to sell advertising to companies that complement your business, and not to those that are in direct competition.

Another advantage to having a company’s website is accessibility to customers twenty-four hours. He suggests that while you post a closing sign on your business establishment that says’ closed, a website is always open. Gone are the days for relying solely on your answering machine, saying “We are not in at the moment but if you leave your telephone number and a detailed message we will get back to you as soon as possible.” With a website a person can write you an inquiry in your inbox and you can respond to it in a timely manner.

A website also affords the customer the opportunity to access and research your website at his or her convenience from the privacy of their home. He states that “a potential customer won t have to judge a call centre agent to determine whether he has their best interests in mind, or just wants to make a sale.” With the information provided on your website; a would be customer can make that decision on his or her own. A website provides “convenience” to your customers. He points out that by “offering convenience” and individualized customer service you have add value to your offerings and this fosters a higher level of customer satisfaction.

He also suggests that you include an aspect on your website to facilitate social interactions by featuring tips, advice, and general interest content like daily affirmation tips, or quotations that speaks to people. You can also include visitors’ polls, online survey for customers’ feedback on your product or service, customer service and or marketing strategy used. You can also track your web traffic by analyzing the data provided, as to who accesses your website, time and geographical location of the person, to identify whether your business is best positioned within the market place, and allow you to thinks of ways of making changes if the indicators are not positively reflecting where you want your business to be in the marketplace. Make it a source for great information also, and this will surely keep your customers coming!

In the design of your company’s website, it is also advised that you include a tag line that reflect your company’s philosophy; as your business pitch. He recommends that you analyze the pitches that you have used, and determined which one was most effective and use it. For example, you can include one that says, “We are here to meet your needs!” A website also helps to improve your credibility. Customers conducting research on a product or services will determine if your product or services is what they need and decide whether they will patronize your business. In addition, a website serves as a great space and direct marketing space for referrals. Once a person receives a referral, they can immediately check, out your website for confirmation.

In addition, a website can be used to provide information to your “brick and mortar” business location. To make getting to you easy, a map can be used on your website to direct customers where to find you; it is easy, accessible and timely. If you have to relocate your store front, you can easily update this on your website. You no longer have to write each customer a letter and post it, you can just e-mail everyone informing them of you move, or post the change on your website. The use of e-mailing is another lesson that small businesses need to incorporate into their business marketing strategy that also requires training. The author also states that a website in addition to its great potential also provides a “growth opportunity” for would be investors. Individuals interested in investing in your business can easily analyze and monitor your business’s progress and decide at a distance whether they will invest or not in your business: if that is one of you business objective.

A website is a great forum for any type of business. It enables you to reach a larger audience, at anytime from the privacy of their home. It is an open door to your business. It provides information about who you are and what you do; immediately and it allows the person to make a decision on the spot so to speak whether they will patronize your business and refer you to another.

Need a website, Cottle’s Professional Consulting Will design one for you at a reasonable cost and specific to your business Needs!
To read the article go to:

About the Author:
Dr. Cheryl Cottle is an Educator, Instructional Technologist, and System Analysis. She is the Founder of Cottle’s Professional Consulting a multidisciplinary consultancy. Her business website is at: Dr. Cottle is also the creator of two online forum; Women in Business on Facebook and CPC Women in Business at

Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Cheryl Cottle ● Cottle’s Professional Consulting

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

9 Tips for Successful Cold Calling

Cold calling is one of the most widely used marketing tools. However, it also remains one of the most feared methods, due to its painstaking nature and hostile, vague replies. The basic principle behind cold calling is, 'If you want business, you go for it.' If used effectively, cold calling will help you to achieve the desired response. It can be easily defined as the first step in turning prospects into customers. Follow these useful tips to pitch successfully to your clients or customers:

Tip 1: Make a Specific Caller List

Browse through various telephone directories to obtain the telephone numbers. You can also use the local library to create a detailed list of contacts. Keep track of your calls to avoid calling the same caller twice.

Tip 2: Make a Conversation, Not a Sale

Try to make a conversation with the prospect instead of selling your product. Begin with a short greeting or introduction, and make the receiver feel comfortable. Write down a polite opening statement like, "Sir/Madam, is this the right time to talk to you?" and use it to get the permission of the customer. Do keep the purpose of the call in mind and do not stray away from it. Keep in mind that there is no such thing as a 'best time to call.' Call during the work hours, when you are fresh and motivated.

Tip 3: Prepare a Detailed Script

A bound script will prevent you from wandering away from the topic. It will also act as a teleprompter if you forget your lines. However, the conversation should not appear staged. Maintain a free low of words, and add your spontaneous inputs whenever necessary. Maintain a polite phone manner throughout the conversation.

Tip 4: Covey the Purpose

Without wasting time, come to the purpose of the call. Briefly explain about the reason for the call and the nature of your firm and service. Allow the customer to offer his opinion in between. Do not interrupt the customer at any point of time.

Tip 5: Highlight the Benefits

Explain to the customer how he can benefit from the particular service. Include topics such as special discounts or incentives in the beginning of the conversation. This helps to keep the interest of the receiver intact.

Tip 6: Understand the Customer

Understand the customer while communicating with him. Find out information concerning occupational details during the course of the call. This will help you to gauge whether the particular customer can afford your service or not.

Tip 7: Fix an Appointment

Set up an appointment with the customer if he is interested in your product or service. Fix a time and place depending upon the customer's convenience.

Tip 8: The Follow-up

Sales goals are realised only after persistent meetings and calls. Maintain a regular contact with the customer.

Tip 9: Seek for References

If the particular contact is not interested in your service, then politely ask him to divulge contact details of friends or family members who might be actually interested.

Practice is the key to effective cold calling technique. Practice on a regular basis to master the art of cold calling.


Logos and Company Identity: Why it is Necessary

Logos and Company Identity: Why it is Necessary

Building a company identity through the use of graphic design (logos, business cards, website design, etc.) is an extremely important part of having a successful business. There are several reasons why having a logo and company identity are so important: it gives your business a sense of legitimacy, it makes your product recognizable and memorable, and it provides insight as to what your company is and what it stands for.

How Logos Contribute to Legitimacy

Having graphics for your company, specifically a logo, helps to make consumers believe that your company is established and stable. A company which makes a financial investment in a logo is a serious company, out to succeed. It is tangible proof of a dedication to the business, suggesting that the business will endure.

Customers can be comfortable supporting a company when they believe that they will be able to form a lasting association with that company. They will know that they have something to fall back on if there's a problem with anything, which is reassuring and will help to develop trust and consumer confidence.

How Logos Make You Memorable

Having a logo gives customers a visual representation to associate with your business. It makes any products branded with the logo instantly recognizable as yours, and provides added potential for word of mouth to spread. People will be able to remember your product and identify it.

For an example of how logos and the entire process of branding make a significant difference in how products are perceived, consider designer clothing. Some people will drop between $200 and $300 on a pair of designer jeans, but would never look twice at a less expensive pair of equal quality and design which did not have a brand name associated with it.

How Logos Provide Insight

Consider the strong and straightforward Nike "Swoosh," or the sleek and modern Apple design. Successful logos give a consumer an idea of what to expect from a company. A customer should be drawn in by your graphics and should be curious about the company which those grpahics represent. Make a list of the attributes you want to be associated with your company, and think of a design (or hire somebody else to) which accurately represents those traits.

Creating Consistency With Graphics

Logos are possibly the most important part of graphic design and are what will be what people focus on most, but this does not mean you should pay less attention to other aspects of graphic design associated with your company. Having your own colors and a general overall feel which are kept constant throughout the logo, website and print advertisements will give your business consistency and a polished appeal. A talented designer can help design company graphics, which are meant to be consistently representative of you and your business.

Creating a company identity and supporting it with your choice of graphic design will help you reach out to more customers and build a more successful business.

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